Anti-Asian Hate Compared: Origins, Patterns, and Responses in the US and France
Ya-Han Chuang and Hélène Le Bail
Scientific partner: Jennifer Lee (Columbia University)
In this project, we study the origins, patterns, and responses to anti-Asian hate from a comparative perspective, focusing specifically on the United States and France. Both countries witnessed a spike in anti-Asian hate incidents since the onset of Covid-19, and both have also witnessed waves of mobilization to address anti-Asian violence and hate, yet no study to date has examined these patterns from a comparative perspective.
The central question we address is how do we explain the similarities that emerge in two different contexts? Relatedly, how does anti-Asian bigotry and hate incidents—and the responses to them—diverge in the US and France?
The Alliance Joint Project is the first step in discussing the potential for a comparative study of Asians’ experiences of bias, discrimination, xenophobia, and racism in the US and France It also aims to compare the reaction and actions of the civil society, in particular initiatives by journalists, artists, and NPOs’ activists of Asian descent.
Photo: Stop anti-Asian Racism and China Bashing Rally,Chinatown Archway at 7th and H Street, NW, Washington DC, 27 March 2021. Photography Elvert Barnes
3 March 2023
International conference
Princeton University and Sciences Po Paris
Anti-Asian Racism Compared : Origins, Patterns and Responses in the US and France
Conference organizers: Jennifer Lee, Columbia University and Institute for Advanced Study (2022-23), Yu Xie, Princeton University, Ya-Han Chuang, Sciences Po Paris, Hélène Le Bail, CNRS, Sciences Po Paris
8:30-9:00 AM/14:30-15:00
9:00-9:15 AM/ 15:00-15:15
Welcome and Introduction
9:15-10:30 AM/15:15-16:30
Measuring Anti-Asian Racism and Hate Crimes in the US
Moderator: Jennifer Lee (Columbia University and Institute for Advanced Study, 2022-23)
Karthick Ramakrishnan (UC Riverside) and Janelle Wong (University of Maryland)
Americans’ Experiences with Discrimination Survey
Norman Chen (The Asian American Foundation) and Paul Watanabe (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
Social Tracking of Asian Americans in the United States [STAATUS INDEX]
Ninez Ponce (UCLA)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) COVID-19 Module
10:45-12:00 PM/16:45-18:00
Measuring Anti-Asian Racism in France [VIRTUAL
Moderator: Michèle Lamont (Harvard University)
Patrick Simon (INED French National Institute of Demography)
Perceptions of Racism and Discrimination from Trajectories and Origins. Survey on Population Diversity in France (TeO)
Vincent Tiberj (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
The Case of Xenophobia Targeting Asians in the CNCDH (National Human Rights Consultative Commission) Barometer on Racism
Djamel Sellah (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Survey PolAsie: Perceptions of Racism and Discrimination
Isabelle Attané (INED French National Institute of Demography), Ya-Han Chuang (Sciences Po Paris), Giovanna Merli (Duke University)
Survey ChIPRe (Chinese Immigrants in Paris Region): Inter and Intra-community Discrimination
12:00-1:00 PM/18:00-19:00 LUNCH/DINNER BREAK
1:00-2:15 PM/19:00-20:15
Anti-Asian Racism: Origins, Consequences and Representation
Moderator: Yao Lu (Columbia)
Paul DiMaggio (NYU)
Has Pandemic Threat Stoked Xenophobia? How COVID-19 Influences California Voters’ Attitudes toward Diversity and Immigration
Yu Xie (Princeton) and Qian He (Princeton)
The Moral Filter of Patriotic -Prejudice: How Americans View Chinese in the COVID-19 Era
Hélène Le Bail (CNRS, Sciences Po Paris)
Political representation of citizens of Asian origins in France (Survey PolAsie and Laura Morales and Claire Vincent-Mory’s Pathways project)
2:15-2:30 PM/20:15-20:30
Concluding thoughts
5:00-8:00 PM/20:30-until night
Cocktails and Dinner
Racisme "anti-Asiatiques", entre soupçon et altérisation
Ya-Han Chuang
Le Droit de vivre, 3 November 2022
La politique de Pékin et la pandémie ont avivé le racisme anti-Asiatiques. Les plus anciens stéréotypes sont mobilisés pour réduire les Asiatiques à d’éternels étrangers dont il faudrait se méfier. Les jeunes générations ripostent en affirmant leur appartenance citoyenne.
French Asian Youth Online
Hélène Le Bail et Ya-Han Chuang
23 June 2021
As in many other countries recently, renewed racism targeting ‘Asians’ has fed new discourses and collective actions to fight against racist aggressions in France...
Anti-AAPI Hate : A conversation with Jennifer Lee
5 May 2021
The rise in anti-AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) hate incidents and hate crimes has finally started a national conversation on the history of anti-AAPI hate in this country, what might be driving the latest increase, and how to address it...
When the past becomes present: a legacy of Anti-Asian Hate
Jennifer Lee
Items, 22 April 2021
The mass shooting in Atlanta on March 16 catapulted anti-Asian violence and hate onto the national spotlight. On that day, a 21-year-old White man murdered eight people in three massage parlors, including six Asian immigrant women: two of whom were Chinese, and four, Korean. Working low-wage jobs that required not only their physical presence but also their physical touch during a global pandemic, their lives laid bare the vulnerabilities at the intersection of race, gender, class, nativity, and citizenship...
From Silence to Action : The Chinese in France
Ya-Han Chuang, Hélène Le Bail and Emilie Tran
Global Dialogue
21 February 2021
As in other Western European countries like the UK and the Netherlands, the history of Chinese communities in France dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century. The early presence of the Chinese is linked to three main factors: colonization, the recruitment of Chinese laborers during World War I, and the sojourn of students in the interwar period. This early mobility had an impact on recent waves of migration: due to the renewal of former migration networks after 1978, Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province is nowadays the principal place of origin of Chinese migrants and their descendants in France...