Roberto Galbiati
Professor, Department of Economics
Roberto Galbiati is a CNRS Professor (DR). He is also a CEPR Research Fellow (Public Economics program) and he serves as Associate Editor for the International Review of Law and Economics. His primary research interests are law and economics, political economy and applied microeconomics. He has studied extensively how laws and individual motivations affect cooperative behavior and compliance, the effects of law enforcement on illegal behavior and the emergence and stability of legal and political institutions.
Emeric Henry
Professor, Department of Economics
Emeric Henry is a Professor at the Department of Economics at Sciences Po. He obtained his PhD from Stanford University. He is a microeconomist, using theory, experimental and empirical methods to study questions in law and economics. His recent research interests include innovation and judicial decision making. He has published in leading journals such as AER, JPE, PNAS and Management Science.
Katja Langenbucher
Affiliated Professor, Sciences Po Law School
Katja is a law professor at Goethe-University’s House of Finance in Frankfurt, affiliated at SciencesPo Paris and Fordham Law School, NYC. She has held numerous visiting positions in France, the UK, Austria and the US. Katja has published extensively on corporate, banking and securities law. Current research projects focus on FinTech, artificial intelligence and corporate governance of banks.
Horatia Muir Watt
Professor, Sciences Po Law School
Horatia Muir Watt is professor at Sciences Po Law School, where she co-directs the program Global Governance Studies. She is a member of the Institute of international law and of l’Institut Universitaire de France. She is director of the Revue critique de droit international privé. Her books and publications cover the area of private international law.
Dina Waked
Professor, Sciences Po Law School
Dina Waked is Professor & Director of the Doctoral Program at Sciences Po Law School. She holds an S.J.D. (Doctor of Judicial Science) and an LL.M. from Harvard Law School. Her doctoral thesis received the Harvard Law School 2012 John M. Olin Law & Economics Prize. She teaches courses on Global Antitrust Law, Comparative Competition Law and Economic Development, Law and Economics, Regulation, International Business Law, and Law in the Middle East. Her research and publications explore issues linked to competition, development, critical law and economics, and economic growth and distribution in the Global South.
Ayse Gizem Yasar

Lecturer and PhD Candidate, Sciences Po Paris
Ayse Gizem is a PhD candidate at Sciences Po Law School. She teaches Competition Law, Disruptive Innovation and Technology & Society at Sciences Po Paris and Bilkent University, Ankara. She holds a Magister Juris degree from the University of Oxford and an LL.M. from Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. Her research and publications explore contemporary issues in and history of competition law, multisided markets, disruptive innovation and most recently sustainability. She is a member of the Istanbul Bar (admitted in 2014).