Katharina Tittel

Doctorante en sociologie - PhD Candidate
  • Katharina Tittel (CRIS)Katharina Tittel (CRIS)

Consulter son CV

Katharina Tittel est affiliée au Medialab

Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title

Discours sur l'immigration dans les médias (sociaux) en France et en Allemagne : productions, circulations, interprétations et contestations

Directeurs de thèse : Ettore Recchi (Sciences Po - OSC) et Jean-Philippe Cointet (Sciences Po - Medialab)

Financement : Allocation doctorale de l'Institut Convergences Migrations (01/10/20-30/09/23)


  • 2025 (with Ana-Nzinga Weiss), "Racialisation", In: Nai, A., Grömping, M., & Wirz, D. (Eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Edward Elgar Publishing. Preprint
  • 2023 (with Ettore Recchi), "The Empirical Study of Human Mobility: Potentials and Pitfalls of Using Traditional and Digital Data", In: E. Bertoni, M. Fontana, L. Gabrielli, S. Signorelli, M. Vespe (ed.), Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy, Springer, p. 437-464. Available in Open Access
  • 2022, « Articles sur l’immigration diffusés sur Facebook : mentionner la nationalité influe sur le nombre de réactions », De facto migrations, n° 30, janvier, p.30-34. Defacto, numéro 30, en ligne
  • 2022, « Ébrécher le plafond de verre sans le percer », Hommes & migrations, n° 1337, p. 21-33. Disponible en ligne sur Open Edition et Cairn
  • 2020 (with Mirna Safi, Philippe Coulangeon, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Ettore Recchi, Nicolas Sauger, Jen Schradie, and Andrew Zola), « La France confinée. Anciennes et nouvelles inégalités », In: Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin et Xavier Ragot (dir.), Le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les sciences sociales au temps de la Covid-19, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 95-116.
  • 2020 (with E. Recchi, E. Ferragina, O. Godechot, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, M. Safi, N. Sauger, J. Schradie, A. Zola), "Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France", OSC Papers, n° 2020-1, July.

Communications - Presentations

  • 2024 (with William L. Allen and Pedro Ramaciotti Morales), “Flooding the Feed: Media Sharing Patterns and Ideological Polarisation in French immigration-related X discourse”, SCRIPTS conference “Sharpening Analytic Instruments of Narrative Contestation During Conflicts”, Freie Universität Berlin, November 7-8th.,
  • 2024, "Migrationsdiskurse in der digitalen Ära: Intersektionale Ungleichheiten, institutionelle Dynamiken und gegenhegemoniale Solidarität in Frankreich", DeZIM-Conference, “Migration - Conflict - Solidarity. A contested field between politics and research”, University of Mannheim, October 9-11th.
  • 2023 (with William L. Allen and Pedro Ramaciotti Morales), “Forms of Media Source Sharing in Polarized Environments. Computational Evidence from French Immigration-Related Twitter Discourse”, CIVICA European Polarization Observatory, February 15th.
  • 2022, "Critical Inquiry into the (Re)Productions of Racialised Hierarchies in Mainstream (Social) Media Immigration Discourses in Germany, France, UK", ECREA Diaspora Migration Media section, PhD Workshop,  Rethinking positionality in media and migration research, Oslo, October 14th.
  • 2022, “Understanding Public Engagement with German, French, and UK Immigration News Posts on Facebook”, IMISCOE Annual Meeting, Oslo, June.
  • 2022, “The role of online audience engagement in (re)producing news narratives about immigration: comparative evidence from Germany, France, and the UK”, May   International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Meeting, Paris, May 29th.
  • 2022 (with Ettore Recchi), "Digitization of Migration Research Methods: Promises and Pitfalls",  IMISCOE Meth@Mig, Workshop, Paris, May 30th.
  • 2022 (with Will Allen), “Studying the Representation and Participation of Minority Groups in (Social) Media Immigration Debates”, ECPR Workshop Series, Edinburgh.
  • 2022, “Should They Come Or Should They Go? Media (Mis)Representations of different groups of migrants across 3 European countries”, IMISCOE Spring Conference, Düsseldorf, March 17th.
  • 2021 (with Jen Schradie), “Disconnected, Discouraged, and Defeated: How Social Class and Digital Inequalities Depress Well-Being”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August. 
  • 2021, “Should They Stay or Should They Go? A Comparative Computational Analysis of the Salience and Framing of Eastern European Migrants in the French, German and UK Press, 2004-19”, International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2021), Zurich, July 30th.
  • 2020 (with Camille Roth and Telmo Mezenes), “Fragmentation of the Twittersphere surrounding the 2019 European Elections”, Sunbelt Conference, track “Methods for constructing and analyzing discussion networks from social media data”, July, Paris.

enseignements - teaching

  • 2022, Digital Data and Media in Society, Teaching assistant to Dr. Jen Schradie, Sciences Po, Paris Campus
  • 2021, Inquiries in Sociology (2nd-year undergraduate), lecturer for two methods conferences, Reims Campus
Article mis à jour le 03-10-2024
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