Sukriti Issar

Associate Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po
  • Sukriti Issar (CRIS)Sukriti Issar (CRIS)

contact : sukriti.issar(at) 
Tel: - office: B.221

Téléchargez le CV (Download the Resume, pdf, 111 Ko)

Defense for the accredidation to supervise research (HDR) - Présentation des travaux en vue de l'obtention de l'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en sociologie, le 19 novembre 2020 à Sciences Po. 
The Great Bombay Fire of 1803: Public Vices, Private Benefits.


Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests

Sukriti Issar studies how urban policy transforms cities, with a particular focus on low-income housing in Mumbai over the last hundred years. Her research interests are in urban sociology, cities in the developing world, urban governance, comparative policy, and research methods. Her published work can be found in World Politics, Social Service Review, and the Journal of Historical Sociology.

Before Sciences Po, she completed a PhD at Brown University and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford.

Latest Publications

  • 2024, "The Hustler and the Mooch: Slavery in Late Eighteenth-Century Bombay", Slavery & Abolition, Published online 25 January. Paper online on Taylot & Francis
  • 2023, "Historicizing Real Estate: The East India Company in Early Colonial Bombay", Enterprise & Society, Published online 20 October. Open access on Cambridge University Press 
  • 2023, "Nuisance, Planning and the Common Law in Late Eighteenth-Century Bombay", The Journal of Legal History, vol. 44, n° 2, p. 190-211. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2022 (with Ishani Shukla), "Policy Change and Floor Space Index", Economic & Political Weekly, vol. 57, n° 25. Paper available online.
  • 2022, "The Religious and Racial Geography of Late Nineteenth-Century Bombay", South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, vol. 45, n° 3, p. 507-525. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2022, "The financialisation of floor space, Mumbai 1880-2015", Urban Studies, vol. 59, n° 15, p. 3150-3166. Paper online on Sage Journals
  • 2022, "Property, Custom and Religion in Early Nineteenth-Century Bombay", Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 52, n° 33, p. 401-421. Paper available on MIT Press (open access)
  • 2021 (with Matthias Dilling), "Analyzing Failed Institutional Change Attempts", Political research Quartely, vol. 75, n° 1, p. 203-215. Paper available on SAGE Journals
  • 2020, "Conceptualizing the connections of formal and informal housing markets in low- and middle-income countries", Housing studies, vol. 37, n° 5, p. 789-808. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2018 (Guest-editor), "Editorial: We have never been urban", City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, vol. 22, n° 1 (February-March). Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2016 (with John R. Logan and Zengwan Xu), "Trapped in Place? Segmented Resilience to Hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, 1970–2005", Demography, vol. 53, n° 5, p. 1511-1534. Paper available on Duke University Press
  • 2016, "The paradoxical slum", Book Review of "The durable Slum: Dharavi and the right to stay put in globalizing Mumbai", Liza Weinstein, University of Minnesota Press, City, vol. 20, n° 1, p. 167-170. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2015, "Codes of Contention: Building Regulations in Colonial Bombay", Journal of Historical Sociology [First Published 11 November 2015] Paper available on Wiley Journals

Latest Communications

  • 2022, "Nuisance law and the Committee of Buildings in late 18th-century Bombay", Common Law Research Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, 10 January.
  • 2021, "Chronicles of Property after the Great Fire of Bombay In 1803", OSC Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, 26 March.
  • 2021 (with Matthias Dilling), "Institutional Change and the Affordable Care Act", Nuffield Political Science Seminar, University of Oxford, 16 February.
  • 2019, "The political economy of urban regulations: theory, politics, mechanisms", ISA-RC21 "In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures", Delhi (India), 21 September.
  • 2018, "Segregation in Nineteenth-Century Mumbai", Spatial Structure in the Social Sciences, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, 7 December. 
  • 2016, "Documents, Power and Rule Ambiguity", Methodology Seminar Series, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Thu. 3 March.
  • 2016, "Nuts and Bolts: Fieldnotes, Analysis, Writing", Nuffield Qualitative Methods Seminar Series, Hilary 2016 - Term Card, Wed. 2 March. 

Direction de thèses - PhD Students

  •  Ying Liu (co-dir.), Policies, Practices, and Imaginaries: Urban Regeneration in China

Scientific Responsabilities

Academic Director of Governing the Large Metropolis master’s program, Urban School, Sciences Po, Paris


- "Housing and Land in the Metropolis", Master Governance of Large Metropolis.
- "Major fields of investigation in sociology (Urban sociology)", Collège universitaire de Sciences Po.

Article mis à jour le 18-10-2024
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