Carlo Barone

Professeur des universités - Head of the CRIS
  • Image Alexis Lecomte / Sciences PoImage Alexis Lecomte / Sciences Po

contact : carlo.barone(at)
Tél : +33 (0)1 49 54 37 55 - bureau/office : B.220

Téléchargez le Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 218ko, EN)

Carlo Barone est directeur du CRIS depuis le 1er septembre 2024 et membre du LIEPP, axe  « Politiques éducatives ».
Il est également membre du Conseil scientifique de l'éducation et correspondant scientifique du programme IDEE (Innovations, Données et Expérimentations en Éducation).

SPIRE-Hal, l'archive ouverte de Sciences Poacademia.edu Scholar

Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests

- Social inequalities in education: the role of family background, gender and ethnicity.
- Labor market returns to education and the role of education for social mobility in dynamic and comparative perspective
- Experiments in educational research, educational policies and policy impact evaluation
- The validation of educational and occupational classifications for comparative social stratification research
- Sociological theory: rational choice and behavioral approaches

Dernières publications - Latest Publication


  • 2024 (with Mélanie Maximino-Pinhero, Iris Menu, Esther Boissin, Lys-Andréa Brunet & Grégoire Borst), "Metacognition as a mediator of the relation between family SES and language and mathematical abilities in preschoolers", Scientific Reports, 14, n° 10392, Published online May 6th. Available in open access
  • 2024 (with Denis Fougère & Karine Martel), "Reading Aloud to Children, Social Inequalities and Vocabulary Development: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial", Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, Published online January 3rd. Available on Taylor & Francis Online
  • 2023 (with Anton B. Andersson, Martin Hällsten), "Are upper-secondary track decisions risky? Evidence from Sweden on the assumptions of risk-aversion models", Rationality and Society, vol.53, n° 3, p. 311-337. Open Access Paper
  • 2023 (with S. Schindler et al.), "Educational tracking and social inequalities in long-term labor market outcomes: Six countries in comparison", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, First Published February 10th. Open Access Paper
  • 2022 (with Oscar Smallenbroek & Florian Hertel), "Measuring Class Hierarchies in Postindustrial Societies: A Criterion and Construct Validation of EGP and ESEC Across 31 Countries", Sociological Methods & Research, online first, November, 11. Available on SAGE Journals
  • 2022 (with G. Ballarino, A. Filippin, G. Abbiati, G. Argentin and A. Schizzerotto), "The effects of an information campaign beyond university enrolment: A large-scale field experiment on the choices of high school students", Economics of Education Review, vol. 91, 102308. Available on ScienceDirect
  • 2022 (avec Estelle Herbaut et Louis-André Vallet), « Filières du baccalauréat et emploi à la fin des études : contribution des parcours scolaires et analyse des écarts entre femmes et hommes », Économie et Statistique, n° 530-31, p 65-86. Article disponible en ligne (FR) - Also available in English
  • 2022 (with Florian R. Hertel and Oscar Smallenbroek), "The rise of income and the demise of class and social status? A systematic review of measures of socio-economic position in stratification research", Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 78, April 2022, art. n° 100678. Available on ScienceDirect
  • 2021 (with Moris Triventi and Marta Facchini), Upper secondary tracks and student competencies: A selection or a causal effect? Evidence from the Italian case, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 76, art. n°  100626, December. Available online on Science Direct
  • 2021 (with Clément Pin), « L'apport des méthodes mixtes à l’évaluation : une expérimentation randomisée dans le champ des politiques éducatives », Revue française de sciences politiques, vol.71, n° 2021/3, p. 391-412. Available on Cairn
  • 2021 (with Giovanni Abbiati, Giulia Assirelli, Davide Azzolini), "L’università conviene? Un’analisi dei rischi dell’investimento in istruzione universitaria nel sistema del 3+2", The Lab's Quartely, vol. 23, n° 3, p. 207-245. Available online
  • 2021 (with Moris Triventi),  "Is vocational education a safety net? The occupational attainment of upper secondary graduates from vocational and academic tracks in Italy", Quaderni di sociologia, 84-LXIV, p. 55-89. Available in Open Access
  • 2021 (with Estelle Herbaut, Mathieu Ichou and Louis-André Vallet), "Social origins, track choices and labour-market outcomes: evidence from the French case", Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol. 12, n° 3, p. 345-388. Paper available on Ingenta Connect
  • 2021 (with Marta Facchini and Moris Triventi), "Social origins, tracking and occupational attainment in Italy", Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol. 12, n° 3. Paper available on Ingenta Connect
  • 2021 (with Estelle Herbaut), "Explaining gender segregation in higher education: longitudinal evidence on the French case", British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 42, n° 2, p. 260-286. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2021 (with Katherin Barg & Mathieu Ichou), "Relative risk aversion models: How plausible are their assumptions?", Rationality & Society, vol. 33, n° 2. Paper available on Sage Journals
  • 2021 (with Denis Fougère, Clément Pin), "Social Origins, Shared Book Reading, and Language Skills in Early Childhood: Evidence from an Information Experiment", European sociological review, vol. 37, n° 1, p.18-31. Paper available on Oxford Academic
  • 2020 (with Emilio Chambuleyron, Reka Vonnak & Guilia Assirelli), "Home-based shared book reading interventions and children’s language skills: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials", Educational Research and Evaluation, vol. 25, n° 5-6, 2019, p. 270-298. Paper available on Taylor & Francis Online
  • 2020 (with Giulia Assirelli), "Gender segregation in higher education: an empirical test and seven explanations", Higher Education, vol. 79, n° 1, p. 55-78, first online 3 september 2019. Paper online on Springer
  • 2019, "Cambiare, a piccoli passi, l’università italiana. Per salvarla", Quaderni di Sociologia, n° 79, p. 159-164.
  • 2019, "Towards an Education-based Meritocracy?: Why Modernisation and Social Reproduction theories cannot explain trends in educational inequalities: outline of an alternative explanation", ISA eSymposium, vol. 9, n° 1, march. Available on Hal Repository
  • 2019 (with Giulia Assirelli and Ettore Recchi), “'You Better Move On'. Determinants and Labor Market Outcomes of Graduate Migration from Italy”, International Migration Review, vol. 53, n° 1, p. 4-25, first published 5 April 2018. Paper online on SAGE Journals
  • 2019 (with Antonio Schizzerotto, Giulia Assirelli & Giovanni Abbiati), "Nudging gender desegregation: a field experiment on the causal effect of information barriers on gender inequalities in higher education", European Societies, vol. 21, n° 3, p. 356-377, first published 4 march 2018. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2019 (avec Marco Oberti, coord.), « Les jardins d'enfants de la ville de Paris », rapport de recherche, Paris habitat / Ville de Paris - OSC, décembre, 156 p. Document téléchargeable sur SPIRE-HAL
  • 2018 (with Moris Triventi and Giulia Assirelli), "Explaining Social Inequalities in Access to University: A Test of Rational Choice Mechanisms in Italy", European Sociological Review, vol. 34, n° 5, p. 554-569. Paper available on Oxford Academic
  • 2018 (with Lucia Ruggera), "Educational equalization stalled? Trends in inequality of educational opportunity between 1930 and 1980 across 26 European nations", European Societies, vol. 20, n° 1, p. 1-25, published online 31 March 2017. Paper online on Taylor & Francis
  • 2018 (with Giovanni Abbiati, Gianluca Argentin and Antonio Schizzerotto), "Information barriers and social stratification in higher education: evidence from a field experiment", The British Journal of Sociology, vol. 69, n° 4, p. 1248-1270, first published, 29 november 2017. Paper available on Wiley Online Library
  • 2018 (with Giulia Assirelli, Giovanni Abbiati, Gianluca Argentin, Deborah De Luca), "Social origins, relative risk aversion and track choice", Acta Sociologica, vol. 61, n° 4, p. 441-459, first published 8 October 2017. Paper online on SAGE Journals
  • 2017 (with Gianluca Argentin and Gianna Barbieri), "Origini sociali, consiglio orientativo e iscrizione al liceo: un'analisi basata sui dati dell'Anagrafe Studenti", Politiche Sociali, n° 1/2017, p. 53-74. Paper online on Rivisteweb
  • 2017, « École et mobilité sociale : un rapport ambigu », Diversité, n° 187, p. 70-75.
  • 2017 (with Lucia Ruggera), "Social closure, micro-class immobility and the intergenerational reproduction of the upper class: a comparative study", British Journal of Sociology, vol. 68, n° 2, p. 194-214. Paper available on Wiley Online Library
  • 2017 (with Antonio Schizzerotto, Giovanni Abbiati and Gianluca Argentin), "Information Barriers, Social Inequality, and Plans for Higher Education: Evidence from a Field Experiment", European Sociological Review, vol. 33, n° 1, p. 84-96. Paper online on Oxford Academic
  • 2017 (with Giovanni Abbiati), "Is university education worth the investment? The expectations of upper secondary school seniors and the role of family background", Rationality and Society, vol. 29, n° 2, p. 113-159, early view, 15 december 2016. Paper online on SAGE Journals
  • 2016 (with Gianluca Argentin), "School Reform. Innovation and the Rhetorix of Change",  Italian Politics. vol. 31, Berghahn, p. 135-154. Paper online on Berghahn Journals
  • 2016 (with Moris Triventi, Nazareno Panichella, Fabrizio Bernardi, Gabriele Ballarino) "Education as a positional good. Implications for social inequalities in educational attainment in Italy", Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 43, p. 39-52, available online 18 April 2015. Paper available on Sciences Direct


  • 2024, (with Estelle Herbaut), "Decision-Making mecanisms, information and educational inequalities", In: Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Jo Blanden, Jani Erola, Lindsey Macmillan, Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, Edward-Elgar, p. 387-399.
  • 2021, "Analytical sociology and social stratification research", In: Gianluca Manzo (ed.), Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology, Edward Elgar, p. 119-134 (chapter 5). Online access (paywall)
  • 2020, "Cambios a lo largo del tiempo de las desigualdades socioeconómicas en el logro educativo: los problemas de las Teorías de la modernización y de la reproducción social y una hipótesis alternativa", In: Olga Salido y Sandra Fachelli (ed.), Perspectivas y fronteras en el estudio de la desigualdad social: movilidad social y clases sociales en tiempos de cambio, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, col. Academia, n° 47, p. 55-70.
  • 2020, "Cultural Capital in Schools", In: George Ritzer & Chris Rojek (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Paper available online on Wiley Library.
  • 2020 (with Raffaele Guetto), "Education and Social Fluidity in Contemporary Italy: An Analysis of Cohort Trends", In: Richard Breen and Walter Müller (ed.), Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States, Standford University Press, p. 196-223.
  • 2016 (with Gabriele Ballarino and Nazareno Panichella), "Social background and education in occupational attainment in Italy" In: Fabrizio Bernardi and Gabriele Ballarino (ed.), Education, Occupation and Social Origin: A comparative Analysis of the Transmission of Socio-Economic Inequalities, p. 82-93.


Projets de recherche en cours

•  OASIS - Ouverture, Adaptation, Sensibilisation, Innovation et Liens sociaux (Mairie de Paris, LIEPP, CAUE, La Ligue de l'enseignement, Météo France, LIED, sur fonds FEDER)
•  Favoriser les compétences langagières des enfants des milieux défavorisés : une évaluation expérimentale d'un dispositif d’accompagnement à la lecture parentale. (LIEPP) [English version]
•  Social origins and tracking in French upper secondary schools: a longitudinal, experimental study.
•  Recherche / évaluation sur les jardins d'enfants de la Ville de Paris (Paris Habitat), coordinateur, avec Marco Oberti. Voir le rapport final.
•  NORFACE (ERA-NET / ANR) - Inequality across the life course - Life Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking (LIFETRACK - dir. Steffen Schindler, University of Bamberg).

Directions de thèses - PhD Students

  • Laudine CarbucciaThe cognitive and structural determinants of the early childcare enrolment gap according to socioeconomic background (provisional)

Comités de rédaction - Editorial Boards

Editor of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

Regular reviewer for European Sociological Review, Sociology of Education, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia.

Article mis à jour le 16-09-2024
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