Social origins and gender in education: a trend analysis across 29 European countries
LIEPP and OSC Joint Seminar
Friday, October 10, 201412h - 14h (Lunch Seminar)
Georges Lavau meeting room (98, rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris)
Registration required: please contact marie.ferrazzini(at) (
Carlo Barone is...
Notes & Documents de l'OSC2015-05
Patricia Amigot-Loache, Carmen Botia-Morillas, Marta Dominguez-Folgueras, Teresa Jurado-Guerrero
- 21 pages -
This article studies thirty-three dual-income Spanish childless heterosexual couples who were undoing gender in routine domestic work...
Against the Odds? Keeping a Nontraditional Division of Domestic Work After First Parenthood in Spain
Marta Dominguez Folgueras
Journal of Family Issues, First Published September 9, 2017
This article analyzes changes in the division of routine domestic work after first parenthood. We wanted to know whether and how it was possible for couples to...
Does Family Policy Influence Women’s Employment?:
Reviewing the Evidence in the Field
Political Studies Reviews
First Published November 10, 2017
Read the Full article on SAGE Journals website
During the past two decades, the debate over the relation between family policy and women’s employment in high-income countries has grown in prominence....
SCOOPS SEMINAR MaxPo jointly with OSC
Friday, April 13th 2018 at 12:30 pm - room Goguel (27 rue St Guillaume)
Invisible Boundaries in Cyberspace: A Relational Approach to Understand Racial Hierarchy in the United States
Ken-Hou Lin Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin
This is an overview of the project “Quotas as a policy tool in disability and gender equality policies” (May 2019 – May 2021), conducting at OSC. This project has received funding from Sciences Po’s Scientific advisory board (SAB).
This project aims at exploring the meanings and practices of quotas as a policy tool used to redress power imbalances...