Home>Programmes for individuals>Executive Masters>Executive Master Territorial Governance and Urban Development
Executive Master Territorial Governance and Urban Development
The Executive Master in Territorial Governance and Urban Development is designed to provide participants with the necessary skills and professional network for the design and implementation of strategies, projects, or partnership relations in the field of territorial governance.
This programme will be held in French. Find more information on this page: Executive Master Territorial Governance and Urban Development
5 Fundamental Themes
- Factors influencing the location and development of economic activities in territories
- The role of real estate markets
- Urban planning and transportation policies
- Social dynamics: inequalities, mobility, access to services
- Urban and digital dynamics: smart cities
- Urban governance at all levels
- Transformation of institutions and public policies
- Involvement of private actors and citizens in decision-making processes
- Environmental risks and sustainable cities
- Inclusive cities and social risks
- Health and urban development
- New security challenges
- Local finances
- Services of General interest: choices, implementation
- Evolution of the normative context of urban service production
- Different forms of contracting between local authorities and urban service companies
- Business ethics
- Workshops focusing on work methodology: exercises, writing a summary note, oral presentations
- Workshops focusing on project management and professional approaches: leadership, project communication
Next Start Date(s)
June 05, 2025
Paris Campus
31.5 day(s)
269 hours over 15 months
Dimitri Grammaticopoulos
Programme Advisor
+ 33 (0)6 62 46 71 96 | dimitri.grammaticopoulos@sciencespo.fr
Contact by email