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Executive Master Public Policy Management

The Executive Master in Public Policy Management, a collaborative effort with the School of Public Affairs and the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) at Sciences Po, offers an academically rigorous and application-focused curriculum. This programme equips participants with the latest scientific insights and analytical frameworks tailored to public affairs, enabling them to master the most effective methods and tools for nuanced and decisive action in the field. Beyond acquiring transferable knowledge and tools, you will benefit from innovative, participatory teaching methods that include case studies, simulations drawn from your professional environment, and exercises in decision-making in complex situations.

This programme will be held in French. Find more information on this page: Management des politiques publiques



  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key obstacles and drivers influencing effective public management, enriching your knowledge base for practical application.
  • Deepen your understanding of how public policies are integrated within the broader European and international frameworks, enhancing your ability to operate within these contexts.
  • Develop a high level of proficiency in a diverse array of management tools and methods that are crucial for navigating and directing public action effectively.
  • Explore the underlying mechanisms and critical issues associated with major transformations in governance across various public sectors.