Home>Briatta, Marion

Briatta, Marion


Marion Briatta, a French national, obtained a Masters degree from the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies of Strasbourg and is the holder of a diploma in Legal Advice for Businesses (DJCE).

She has been an exchange student at the Queen's University (Canada) and participated in the "Center for Advanced Study & Research on Intellectual Property » held by the University of Washington at the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London.

She subsequently worked as a lawyer at the French Institute for intellectual property before starting a PhD at the Law School of Sciences Po. As a visiting researcher, she spent the second year of her PhD at the University of California, Berkeley.

She won the first prize of the APRAM's national competition and published an essay about moral right and authorship in copyright in the French Industrial Property law review.

She is currently working on a thesis about counterfeiting and the criminal enforcement of intellectual property rights under the supervision of Michel Vivant.