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Brachotte, Sandrine

Sandrine obtained the title of Docteur en Droit in May 2022. The PhD. thesis, carried out under the supervision of Horatia Muir Watt, is entitled “The Conflict of Laws and Non-secular Worldviews: A Proposal for Inclusion”.
Graduated from the Master in Public Law (Droit Public) at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and from the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA Master) of the European Inter-University Centre (EIUC), she qualified as a lawyer in Belgium where she worked for three years in international arbitration and private international law. She further was involved in legal research and EU advocacy work in business and human rights and development at A4ID (London) and Frank Bold (Brussels).
After having attended the Course of Private International Law of the Hague Academy in August 2017 with a merit-based award, Sandrine was a visiting PhD researcher for the academic year 2017-2018, at University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, under the supervision of Karen Knop. Since September 2018, she has been a member of the Pilagg (Private International Law and Global Governance) team at Sciences Po, which later became the Globinar. She has also been an ATER at Sciences Po Law School for the academic year 2019-2020 and a visiting researcher at the Perelman Center for Philosophy of Law of the Université Libre de Bruxelles from September 2020 to September 2022.
Sandrine currently teaches legal theory at UCLouvain (Saint-Louis, Brussels). Her most recent research is mainly dedicated to the decolonisation of private international law. She is also in charge of the book reviews section of the Revue critique de droit international privé.
Fields of Expertise
- Private International Law
- Legal Theory
- Decoloniality
- (CURRENT) Course of Legal Theory (General), UCLouvain, (Saint-Louis), Brussels
- (CURRENT) Course of Legal Theory (In-Depth), UCLouvain (Saint-Louis), Brussels
- Course of International and EU Business Law, Université de Lille (Lille)
- Elective Course of Human Rights, Sciences Po, Paris
- Elective Course of International Arbitration, Sciences Po, Reims
- Seminars of Public International Law, Sciences Po, Reims
- Seminars of Political Institutions, Sciences Po, Reims
- Seminars of Droit International Privé, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels
- Seminars of Comparative Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels
- Teaching Assistant of Law and Global Governance (Parts I and II), Sciences Po Law School, Paris
- Teaching Assistant of Private International Law, Sciences Po Law School, Paris
- Monitor of Research Students (PIR programme), Sciences Po Law School, Paris
- Tutor of Clinique Students, Sciences Po Law School, Paris
Main Publications
- S. Brachotte, Conflicts of Worldviews and Private International Law, Hart Publishing, 2025 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, « Le droit international privé européen face à la légalité post-coloniale : apport d’une étude de cas », Droit et Cultures, 2025/1 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, « La comparaison juridique : approche critique », In Julien Padovani, Mathilde Heitzmann-Patin, Florian Poulet et Alexandre Ferracci (eds) Traité d’études juridiques, Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2025 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, « Pour une approche décoloniale du temps juridique: Analyse de la temporalité des revendications autochtones », Droit et Société, 2025 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, « Liens ancestraux », In Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Delphine Misonne et Marie-Sophie de Clippele (eds), Dictionnaire des droits de la nature, PUF, 2025 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, “When European State Courts Face Post-Colonial Legality: A Private International Law Approach Inspired by Decolonial Theory”, Buffalo Law Review, vol. 72, no. 5, 2024 (forthcoming);
- S. Brachotte, « Horatia Muir Watt’s Discours sur les Méthodes du Droit International Privé », In Alice Margarita and Larissa Vetters (eds), Leading Work in Law and Anthropology, Routledge, 2024;
- S. Brachotte and A. Nuyts, « Jurisdiction over cyber torts under the Brussels lBis Regulation », In Andrej Savin and Jan Trzaskowski (eds), Research Handbook on EU Internet Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 (2nd ed);
- S. Brachotte, « A Decolonial Approach to Private International Law », Rev. Crit. DIP, 2/2023 [Online version];
- S. Brachotte, « Pour une approche décoloniale du droit international privé », Rev. Crit. DIP, 2/2023 [Online and Hard Paper version];
- S. Brachotte, « Valverde, ou quand l'anarchisme intellectuel révèle la substance de la technique juridique », Cliothemis, 23/2022;
- S. Brachotte, « The Limits of Arbitration Law in Addressing Cultural Diversity: The Example of Ismaili Arbitration in the United Kingdom », Laws 10(2) 2021 p. 47-71;
- S. Brachotte, « Les rationalités entremêlées : le droit international privé et les conflits sans issue », In H. Muir Watt, L. Bizikova A. Brandao de Oliveira, D. Fernandez Arroyo, and M. Ma (eds), Le Tournant Global en Droit International Privé, Pédone 2020;
- S. Brachotte, « Intermingled Rationalities in ‘Unsolvable Cases’», In H. Muir Watt, D. Fernandez Arroyo, L. Bizikova and A. Brandao de Oliveira (eds), Global Private International Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019;
- S. Brachotte and A. Nuyts, « Jurisdiction over cyber torts under the Brussels l Regulation», In Andrej Savin and Jan Trzaskowski(eds), Research Handbook on EU Internet Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
- PhD. in Law, IEP, 2022: The Conflict of Laws and Non-secular Worldviews : A Proposal for Inclusion. Supervised by Horatia MUIR WATT, Professeur des Universités à Sciences Po (Jury: Dr. CNRS Nadia Belaïdi, Ass. Prof. Jacco Bomhoff, Prof. Karen Knop, Prof. Ralf Michaels, Prof. Isabelle Rorive);
- European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation Thesis, 2012: Corporate Accountability for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Abuses Committed Abroad: Foreign Victims’ Access to Remedy in Home States. An Assessment of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Supervised by Prof. Fons Coomans (Maastricht University);
- ULB Master in Public Law Thesis, 2011: Les aménagements raisonnables en matière religieuse au Québec: analyse tournée vers les conséquences du fédéralisme canadien (Religious Reasonable Accommodation in Quebec: An Analysis Focused on the Consequences of the Canadian Federalism). Supervised by Prof. Isabelle Rorive.
- 2020: Laura Bassi Scholarship (Editing Press);
- 2017: The Hague Academy of International Law Scholarship;
- 2012: Ganshof Van der Meersch Prize (Université Libre de Bruxelles).