Home>Arisi, Marta
Arisi, Marta
PhD Candidate, Researcher

After graduating in Law from the University of Trento (Italy), and having obtained an Advanced Master in IP & ICT Law from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Marta collaborated to research projects on Open Science and cultural heritage data. Since 2022, she is a doctoral candidate at Sciences Po Law school, where she works under the supervision of Professors Séverine Dusollier and Beatriz Botero Arcila.
In her research, Marta is interested in technology and inequality across the digital and non digital realm, and in a planetary perspective. The broader goal of her doctoral project is to to mobilize legal research that questions the assumptions in the regulation of machine learning systems in European Union, by engaging critically with the history of open movements and intellectual property law.
Marta also helps coordinating the activities of the Law & Technology research group and teaches an introductory course to AI, data and law.
Contact: marta.arisi@sciencespo.fr