Henri Bergeron

Research Programs
- Governance, economic organizations program
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
- Public policy, transformations of the state program
Henri Bergeron conducts research on healthcare policy and changes in medical practice through the study of various subjects, including illegal drugs, alcohol, obesity, medical research, and public healthcare. He uses tools from the sociology of public policy, the sociology of social movements, and above all the sociology of organizations to evaluate the forces at work in the creation of public policies and the reconfigurations of organizational and institutional fields. He is particularly interested in the interconnection of knowledge, expertise, and politics, and more broadly in organizational and institutional change.
- Bergeron H., Castel P., Sociologie politique de la santé, Paris, PUF (coll. « Quaridge »), 2018. https://hal-sciencespo.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01890555
- Bergeron H., Borraz O., Castel P., Dedieu F., La Covid 19 : une crise organisationnelle, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2020. https://hal-sciencespo.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02955791
- Bergeron H., Castel P., Dubuisson-Quellier S., Gouverner par les labels. Une comparaison des politiques de l’obésité et de la consommation durable, Gouvernement et Action Publique, 2014, vol. 3, n° 3, p. 9-32. https://hal-sciencespo.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01302150
- Nay O., Béjean S., Benamouzig D., Bergeron H., Castel P., Ventelou B., Achieving universal health coverage in France: policy reforms and the challenge of inequalities, The Lancet, May 2016. https://hal-sciencespo.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01314882
- Bergeron H., Castel P., Saguy A., When Frames (Don’t) Matter. Querying the Relationship between Ideas and Policy, accepted by French Politics, Culture and Society, 2019, vol. 37, p. 110–130. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02187652
teaching activities
Political Studies Institute of Paris (Institut d’études politiques de Paris)
Lecturer: “Sociological Analysis of Public Health” - Master of Public Affairs (12 hours) (2013)
Lecturer: "Institutional Analysis of Organizations" - Sciences Po-Max Planck Institute doctoral seminar (20 hours), in English (since 2012)
Lecturer: “Organizational Theories”, joint course for all Masters students at Sciences Po, with C. Musselin (24 hours) (since 2012)
Lecturer: “Introduction to Sociology: Epistemological issues" - 2nd year course, with A. Chenu and P. François (2008-2010)
Lecturer: “Sociology of collective action” - Master of Public Policy, with P. Castel (since 2008)
Lecturer: “Political sociology of health” – 2nd year course, with P. Castel (since 2012)
Lecturer: “Understanding Complex Organization” - Master of Public Affairs, with E. Friedberg, in English (since 2008)
Lecturer: “International Public Health” - Master of Public Affairs, with P. Castel, in English (since 2009)
Lecturer: “The Politics of Public Health” - Dual program Sciences Po - Northwestern University, in English (since 2009)
University of Paris I - Sorbonne
Lecturer: "Sociological Approaches to Public Policies” – Master of Economics, "Policy Decisions, Institutions, and Organizations” (2007-2010)
Lecturer: "Sociological Approaches to Public Policies” – Master of Public Law (since 2009)
Lecturer: “Sociology of Public Policy" – Master of Public Law (since 2008)
École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP)
Lecturer: “Sociological Approaches to Health” - Master of Public Health (since 2008).
others activities
Political Studies Institute of Paris (IEP)
Director of the "Public Policy Management" Executive Master’s program (from 2017)
Director of the "Organizations and Human Resources Management" Master’s program at Sciences Po (from 2015)
Director of the “Health Pole” (with Didier Tabuteau) at the Sciences Po University Press
Director of the program Health of the LIEPP
Co-holder of the “Chaire santé"
Project manager on health issues for the Human and Social Sciences department (2007 to 2008).
Member of the scientific committee for the “Psychotropes, Politics, and Society” research network (1999 to 2002)
National Conference on Health
Alternate member, “Alliance pour les sciences humaines et sociales” [Alliance for the Human and Social Sciences], representative for research organizations (since 2011)
Member of the french national commission of "déontologie et des alertes en santé publique et environnement du ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire (2021)
Member of the “Information and Medicine” mission, created by Agnès Buzyn Minister of Health and Solidarity (December 2017 - May 2018)
President of a Human and Social Sciences panel for the European Research Council (2017)
Member of the University Paris Sorbonne Academic Council (2015)
Appointed member of the Luxemburg Institute for Public Health (2015)
Appointed member of LSE IDEAS International Drug Policy Project (2013)
Appointed member of the French Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) Scientific College (since 2012)
Appointed member of the Director’s Committee of Experts at the Institut de Santé Publique [Institute for Public Health] (IMTO IST INSERM) (since 2011)
Member of the Executive Committee at the Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique [Institue for Public Health Research] (IReSP) (since 2007)
Elected member of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction Scientific Committee - EU Agency, Lisbon (since 2007)
Elected member of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) Scientific Committee (2006 to 2011)
Elected member of the Interdepartemental Mission for the Fight Against Drugs and Drug Addiction (MILDT) Scientific Committee (2001 to 2011)
HDR "Entrepreneuriat institutionnel et structures sociales",
Sciences Po (2018)
Doctorate in Sociology from the Political Studies Institute of Paris (IEP)
Dissertation title: Prendre soin ou soigner les toxicomanes : Anatomie d’une croyance collective (To Care for or to Treat Drug Addicts: Anatomy of a Collective Belief).
Jury members: P. Birnbaum, R. Boudon, A. Ehrenberg, E. Friedberg and P. Muller.
DEA (Master) in the Sociology of Organizations. Political Studies Institute of Paris (IEP) (1989-1990)
Research Projects
- ALLIANCE : Experts, expertise et identité professionnelle
- Analyse sociologique d’Eau de Paris
- ANSM - Une agence dans son environnement
- The Organizational Making of the Bureaucratic State. Institutional work, institutional entrepreneurs and institutional change in two policy fields: economics and health
Last Publications
- Bourret, Pascale, Patrick Castel, Henri Bergeron and Alberto Cambrosio. 2021. "Organizing precision oncology." New Genetics and Society 40 (1).
- Bourret, Pascale, Patrick Castel, Henri Bergeron and Alberto Cambrosio. 2021. "Organizing precision oncology: Introduction to the special issue." New Genetics and Society 40 (1): 1-6.
- Cambon, Linda, Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Valéry Ridde and François Alla. 2021. "Quand la réponse mondiale à la pandémie de COVID-19 se fait sans la promotion de la santé." Global Health Promotion 28 (2).
Press Release
- Bergeron, Henri and Olivier Borraz. 2020. "Une situation hors-norme : et après ?" Après-demain, November.
- Bergeron, Henri, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel and François Dedieu. 2020. "Après la crise : quelles formations pour relever les défis contemporains ?" AOC, June.
- Bergeron, Henri, Olivier Borraz and Patrick Castel. 2020. "Gestion de crise : comment tirer les leçons du coronavirus ?" AOC, April.