Christine Musselin

Research Programs
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
- Public policy, transformations of the state program
Christine Musselin’s research focuses on universities, with particular interest in what characterizes their governance : within this frame, she recently studied the management of teh COVID crisis in French higher education institutions. She also conducts a host of studies on higher education policies and, alongside Jérôme Aust, inquires into policies for excellence carried out within the framework of the French government’s “Investing for the Future” programme. She is also developing research on academic labour markets. Her work thus lies at the crossroads of the sociology of organizations, the sociology of public action, and economic sociology. The vast majority of her research has been undertaken from a comparative perspective and focuses in particular on France, Germany, and the United States.
She is starting a new research project on the development of the private higher education sector in France.
- Christine Musselin. La longue marche des universités françaises. Presses Universitaires de France, pp.218, 2001, reedited at the Presses de Sciences Po in 2022. ⟨hal-01392941⟩
- Christine Musselin. La grande course des universités. Presses de Sciences Po, pp.303, 2017. ⟨hal-01497269⟩
- Christine Musselin. New forms of competition in higher education. Socio-Economic Review, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018, 16 (3), pp.657 - 683. ⟨1093/ser/mwy033⟩. ⟨hal-01892605⟩
- Christine Musselin. University Governance in Meso and Macro Perspectives. Annual Review of Sociology, Annual Reviews, 2021, 47, pp.305 - 325. ⟨1146/annurev-soc-090320-012708⟩. ⟨hal-03367341⟩
- Stéphanie Chatelain-Ponroy, Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard, Christine Musselin, Samuel Sponem. Is Commitment to Performance-based Management Compatible with Commitment to University “Publicness”? Academics’ Values in French Universities. Organization Studies, SAGE Publications, 2018, 39 (10), pp.1377 - 1401. ⟨1177/0170840617717099⟩. ⟨hal-01892608⟩
Sciences Po
• Lecture in Sociology of Organizations, master level at Sciences Po
• Lecturer for the Methodology of Organized Action seminar (with D. Demazière, Master's programme)
• Conduct of research (with H. Bergeron, Master's programme)
Offices Held
- Vice-President for Research at Sciences Po (June 2013 - November 2018)
- Director of the CSO (February 2007 - June 2013)
Editorial Activities
- Member of the international journal Minerva’s editorial board(2000 - present)
- Member of Sociologie du travail’s editorial board (1991 - 2015) and editor-in-chief (December 1995 - June 2004)
- Co-editor of Higher Education (2008 - 2013)
Network leadership
- President of EAIR (The European Higher Education Society, 2019 - 2022)
- Coordinator of EUREDOCS international PhD student network (2005 - present)
- Chair of RESUP (network of research on higher education, 2007 - 2018)
- President of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 2016 - 2017)
Membership in Assessment and Research Management Groups
- Member of the University of Stockholm’s SCORE scientific council (2016 - present)
- Member of the CNRS Board (2014 - present)
- Member of the University of Kassel’s InCher scientific council (2014 - present)
- Member of the City of Paris’ scientific council (2008 - 2023)
- Member of the scientific board of the ANR (2023-)
- Member of the German science council’s (Wissenschaftsrat) Strategiekommissionwithin the framework of the Exzellenzinitiative, (2009 - 2015)
Awards and Honours
Officer of the National Order of Mérite (Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite)
Knight of the Legion of Honour (Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur)
Member of the European Academy of Sociology
Member of the Academia Europaea
Knight of the National Order of Merit (Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite)
Habilitation (professorial thesis), Paris Nanterre University (guarantor: Catherine Paradeise)
PhD, Sciences Po - Paris (advisor: Michel Crozier)
Master’s degree in Sociology, Sciences Po - Paris
Master’s degree, ESCP, Paris
Research Projects
Last Publications
- Musselin, Christine. 2021. "Sociologue de l’Université : quand des opportunités font trajectoire." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique 151 (1): 8-37.
- Musselin, Christine. 2021. "University Governance in Meso and Macro Perspectives." Annual Review of Sociology 47:305-325.
- Musselin, Christine. 2021. "Les universités en fusion: conclusion de la partie 2." In Politiques de la Fusion: Organisations, services, territoires, ed. Emmanuel Négrier, Vincent Simoulin, Marion Paoletti and Clément arambourou, 125-131. Issy les moulineaux: LGDJ. Droit et Société.