Publications de Romain Lachat

Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture

Lachat, Romain and Aiko Wagner. 2018. "How party characteristics drive voters' evaluation criteria." Electoral Studies 55:11-20.

Vasilopoulos, Pavlos and Romain Lachat. 2018. "Authoritarianism and political choice in France." Acta politica 53 (4): 612-634.

Lachat, Romain. 2015. "The Role of Party Identification in Spatial Models of Voting Choice." Political Science Research and Methods 3 (3): 641-658.

Lachat, Romain and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2015. "“Voluntary PR Voting” in the Election of Swiss Regional Governments." Revue suisse de science politique/Swiss Political Science Review 21 (3): 419-436.

Lachat, Romain, André Blais and Ignacio Lago. 2015. "Assessing the Mechanical and Psychological Effects of District Magnitude." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 25 (3): 284-299.

Compte rendu, critique

Lachat, Romain. 2017. "Review of Routledge Handbook of European Elections", by Donatella Viola. Journal of Common Market Studies 55:154-154.

Chapitre d’ouvrage

Lachat, Romain. 2017. "Value Cleavages." In The Sage Handbook of Electoral Behaviour, ed. Kai Arzheimer, Jocelyn Evans and Michael Lewis-Beck, 561-583. SAGE Publications.

Lachat, Romain. 2015. "Leader Effects and Party Polarization." In Personality Politics?: The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections, ed. Marina Costa Lobo and John Curtice, 105-123. Oxford University Press.

Contribution à un site web

Lachat, Romain. 2016. "De l’attractivité des partis politiques." COGITO, la lettre de la recherche à Sciences Po.

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