Elusive Bordering Devices and New Asylum Protection Categories

Elusive Bordering Devices and New Asylum Protection Categories

The Case of Queer Refugees in France and Britain
Calorego Giametta, Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC, 1er décembre 2017
  • Photo Giorgio Caracciolo / Shutterstock (refugees at Gay Pride 2015, Copenhagen)Photo Giorgio Caracciolo / Shutterstock (refugees at Gay Pride 2015, Copenhagen)

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC 2017-2018

98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - salle Annick Percheron

vendredi 1er décembre 2017 de 10h30 à 12h

Elusive Bordering Devices and New Asylum Protection Categories:
The Case of Queer Refugees in France and Britain

Calogero Giametta

Calogero Giametta
Research Fellow
LAMES and Kingston University London

In this presentation I will examine the protection mechanism of asylum through the prism of gender identity and sexual orientation; recently recognised protection categories in the asylum system.
I will aim to make sense of the discrepancy between the new acceptance of gender and sexuality as valid grounds upon which one can claim asylum and the current practices that define the filtering logic of the refugee granting process in France and the UK. The analytical considerations emerge from interviewing and conducting ethnography over a 3-year time period between London, Paris and Marseille with gender and sexual minority refugees.

Calogero Giametta is Visiting scholar at the CERI between October 2017 and April 2018
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