72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference - Paris Media Sociology Hybrid Post-Conference An Unequal Digital World? Critical Perspectives on Media Sociology as Transdisciplinary Global Network Date: Wednesday, June 1: 9:00 am - 5:30 pmVenue (in-person sessions): Observatoire sociologique du changement, Sciences Po Paris, 1...
The more it changes the more it stays the same: The French social space of material consumption between 1985 and 2017 Maël Ginsburger The British Journal of Sociology, First published: 19 July 2022 - Open Access paper (https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12970) The alleged homogenization of material consumption patterns in Western societies in the...
Bringing underprivileged middle-school students to the opera: cultural mobility or cultural compliance? Philippe Coulangeon & Denis Fougère British Journal of Sociology of Education First published: 12 August 2022 - https://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2022.2109593 This article assesses the impact of a two-year long project-based learning program...
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2022-2023 Friday, September 16th 2022, 11:30 amSciences Po (1, Place Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin), room K008 Is there a "white upper class" privilege in educational achievement in France? Insights from an intersectional empirical design Philippe Coulangeon Directeur de recherche CNRS, Sciences Po - CRIS This presentation applies...
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2022-2023 Friday, December 9th 2022, 11:30 amSciences Po (13, rue de l'Université) - Room J208 Inequalities in time use, risk and enjoyment across the UK pandemic  Oriel Sullivan Professor of Sociology of Gender University College London (UCL) Using a unique series of time use diary surveys, collected during all the...
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2022-2023 Monday, December 12th 2022, 12:30 pm - 2 pmSciences Po (1, place Saint-Thomas) - Room H101 Understanding and Alleviating Inequalities in Digital News Consumption Antonis KALOGEROPOULOS Lecturer, University of Liverpool The goal of my project is to understand and develop strategies to mitigate inequalities in...
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2022-2023 Friday, 17th March 2023, 11:30 amSciences Po (1, place Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin) - Room K008 Early and intensive music education in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: what impacts, for whom? Evidence from a quasi-experiment Julie Pereira PhD Student, Sciences Po - CRIS This presentation explores the impact of a music...
Joint seminar AxPo & Centre for Research on social InequalitieS How Algorithms Shape Culture: Lessons on Authenticity from Elite Content Creators Ashley Mears Professor of Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Boston UniversityFriday 2 June 2023, 11:30-13:00 (Paris time)Location: Room "Salle du Conseil" (5th floor), Sciences...
L'écologie en pratiques. Consommation ordinaire et inégalités en France depuis les années 1980 Practicing being green. Ordinary consumption and inequalities in France since the 1980s Maël Ginsburger Soutenance le jeudi 15 juin à Sciences Po Paris, salle 900, à 14h30. Composition du Jury : Philippe Coulangeon (Directeur de recherche, Sciences Po -...
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2023-2024 Friday, December 15th 2023, 11:30 amSciences Po, Room K008 (1, St-Thomas-d'Aquin) Digital Divides? The Heterogeneous Effect of Broadband Internet Expansion on Adolescent Educational Outcomes Pablo Gracia Professor, Trinity College Dublin The expansion of internet is likely to influence adolescent academic outcomes...
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