Accueil>Does Policy Implementation in Gender Equality Policy Matter in France: A Cross Sectoral Approach


Does Policy Implementation in Gender Equality Policy Matter in France: A Cross Sectoral Approach

À propos de cet événement

Le 17 septembre 2018 de 16:00 à 18:00


LIEPP's research group « Discrimination and social inequalities » is glad to invite you to the workshop related to the project "Gender equality policy in practice" (GEPP):

Does Policy Implementation in Gender Equality Policy Matter in France? A Cross Sectoral Approach


 Monday, October 15th2018
09:30 am - 05:30 pm

LIEPP's seminar room - 254, boulevard Saint Germain



9:30-10:00 Welcome, Introduction and Reviewing the GEPP Framework -  Anne Revillard and Amy Mazur

Session 1.  Employment

Chair. Laure Bereni

  • 10:00 -10:45 : 2001 APA Allocation Personnalisée D’Autonomie 

Presentions: Clémence  Ledoux (University of Nantes) et Annie Dussuet (University of Nantes)
Discussant: Marion Charpenel

  • 10:45 -11:30 : 2001/2006 Equal Pay Law – Firm level Collective Negotiations?

Presentions: Sophie Pochic, (CNRS/EHESS/ENS), Marion Charpenel (Centre Maurice Halbwachs)
Discussant: Clémence Ledoux

Session 2. Parity

Chair: Khursheed Wadia

  • 11:30-12:15 : 2007- 2015 Parity Sanctions Against Parties in Legislative Elections  

Presentions: Catherine Achin (IRISSO-Dauphine); Anja Durovic (CEE- Sciences Po); Eléonore Lépinard (Université de Lausanne), Sandrine Lévêque (CRPS-Sorbonne) et Amy Mazur (WSU/ CEE, Sciences Po)
Discussant: Anne Revillard

  • 12:15-13:00 : Sauvadet Law, Parity in the Civil Service

Presentations: Laure Bereni (CNRS), Anne Revillard (Sciences Po, OSC- LIEPP), Alban Jacquemart (Paris Dauphine)
Discussant: Sandrine Lévêque

LUNCH: 13:00- 13:45 

Session 3. Violence and Sexuality

Chair: Catherine Achin

  • 13:45-14:30 : 2006 Law on forced marriage  

Presentations: Gill Allwood (Nottingham Trent University), Khursheed Wadia (University of Warwick)
Discussant: Pauline Delage

  • 14:30-16:15  Implementation of Global Plan (2005-07 et 2008-10) at the regional level : Paris and PACA

Presentations: Pauline Delage  University of Lausanne) and Gwenaëlle Perrier (University Paris 13)
Discussant : Khursheed Wadia

  • 16:15-17h00 : 2016 Law Criminalizing Clients of Prostitution

Presentation: Emily St. Denny (University of Stirling)
Discussant: Gill Allwood

  • 17h00- 17h30 Wrap-up and Next Steps 



Programme (PDF)


À propos de cet événement

Le 17 septembre 2018 de 16:00 à 18:00