Emmanuelle Marchal

Emmanuelle Marchal
19 Rue Amélie - 75007 PARIS - FR
Directrice de recherche CNRS

Axes de recherche

  • Law, norms, regulations program
  • Work, employment, professions program


For more than ten years, Emmanuelle Marchal’s research has aimed to elucidate the functioning of the labor market by analyzing recruitment practices. She is interested in the way recruiters and job-seekers coordinate their activities and their expectations about each another.

Her work, which is both quantitative and qualitative, emerged from two schools of thought : that of the economics of convention, with which she has formed close ties in the form of numerous collaborations, and that of the economic sociology of markets. She approaches the labor market in a constructivist way by emphasizing what holds a market together and the tools at its disposal (the role of devices, systems, and intermediaries), what inspires confidence, and what contributes to the stabilization of judgments and transactions. She stresses the importance of the filtering of information on labor markets and the assessment methods chosen, which have an impact on the valuation of applicants and social exclusion.

The choice of these fields and these research techniques has two goals : firstly, to make up for the lack of data available on recruitment practices in France, and secondly, to develop a sociological view of a question traditionally treated in other disciplines (psychology, economics, law, management). She has adopted a comparative point of view, accentuating the evolution of hiring procedures, French particularities, and the variability of practices according to the type of business, available jobs, and applicants.

Centers of interest : channels of recruitment, the matching process, assessment methods, public and private intermediaries (the internet being among them), discrimination in hiring, job postings.

other activities 

2009-2010 :
Member of the selection and monitoring committee related to the Call for project of the DARES (Direction de l'Animation and Research Studies and Stats), Employment Ministry.
Subject: Recruitment practices and discrimination.

2010 :
Member of the “conseil de laboratoire” (Laboratory Council) at the CSO.

2003-2007 :
Member of the Steering and Operations Committees of the survey Offre d’emploi et recrutement (Job offers and recruitment), DARES (Direction de l’Animation et de la Recherche des Etudes et des Statisques), Department of Labor.

2005-2006 :
Member of the "Comité de direction" (Managing Committee) of the CEE.

2002-2004 :
Director of the Thematic Research Unit of the CEE (Employment Research Center) Institutions et marchés du travail (Institutions and labor markets)

2001-2004 :
Member of the Editorial board of the “Centre d’études de l’emploi” (Employment Research Center).


University Degrees

Habilitation (HDR), from Sciences Po (2013)
Doctorate in Sociology, Université Paris V, René Descartes, Sorbonne (1989).
DESS in market and opinion studies (“études de marché et d'opinion”), Institut d’études politiques in Paris (1978).
Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, Institut d’études politiques in Strasbourg (1977).

Professional Career

Since January 2008 :
Researcher at the CSO.

1979-2007 :
Researcher at the Centre d'études de l'emploi (CEE).

Autres responsabilités

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