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CoesioNet launches a call for papers to researchers and experts on the cohesion in Europe.


Once the papers are submitted to the editorial committee, they may be published on the CoesioNet web site.


Tous / Toutes

  • Bafoil François


    François Bafoil is graduated in Philosophy, Polish and Sociology.  In 1986, he got his Ph.D. from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP), and in 1994 the “Habilitation” (University of Grenoble II). Extended research fellowships at Lodz University, Poland (1984), he is Humboldt Foundation Fellow at the Freie University and WZB in Berlin. Then he returned to France in 1994 (Grenoble), and joined Paris in 2003. Before joining CERI, he was EU expert in charge of ex-ante assessment in Poland and adviser at the Ministry of Economy in Warsaw for 18 months (2002-2003). Then he was special advisor to the OECD for the Territorial Review of Poland in 2008/2009. In 2009 he was invited professor at the University of Köln (Germany). From 2006 to 2009 he organized training sessions for the Asian Development Bank. He is carrying out research on the Great Mekong Sub Region. Since 2010 he is leading a research group CERI / DATAR on the Cohesion Policy and regional development in a comparative perspective.

    He is also a member of the scientific boards of the Institut für Europäische Politik in Berlin, the Centre for Social Studies (PAN) in Warsaw, the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales (CIFE) in Berlin and Nice.

    He teaches at the Sciences Po college "Central and Eastern Europe" (undergraduate courses) and at the Master of Public Affairs, MPA Sciences Po: Regional development Policies in a Comparative Perspective: Eastern Europe / South East Asia. In the second year of the MPA, he is in charge of a Capstone about the analysis of the Regional Capacities in Poland and in the GMS. He teaches at Berlin, Istanbul and he is member of the European Online Academy : "Theoretical, political and economic aspects of transition in Eastern Europe"


    His most recent publications:

    - “Relooking at the Role of Transport Infrastructure in Trade, Regional Growth and Governance: Comparing Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and Central Eastern Europe (CEE)” (with Ruiwen Lin)in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 2, pp. 73 – 119; In Chinese. Governance and Globalization -Sciences Po in China, Working Papers Series 20, Beijing, May 2010

    - The regionalisation in a comparative perspective(with A. Kaya) Bilgui University Press, 2010

    - Central and Eastern Europe. Globalisation and social change, Palgrave, 2009

    - La Pologne (dir.), Fayard, 2007 


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  • Bauby Pierre


    Pierre Bauby is researcher and Professor of Political Science [Paris 8 University, SciencePo Paris, Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale]. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris. He is Special Advisor on Services of General Interest of the General Secretariat of CEEP (European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services) and expert of the Rapporteur on Services of General Interest of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He is Chairman of the French Association Reconstruire l’Action Publique and member of the International Scientific Commission ‘public services - public enterprises’ of CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy). His main publications focus on the reform of the State and on Services of General Interest.


    His most recent publications:

    • - L’européanisation des services publics, to be published at Presses de SciencePo, Paris, 2011 ;
    • - Service public, services publics, to be published at La Documentation Française, Paris, 2011 ;
    • - Europe: une nouvelle chance pour le service public!, Fondation Jean Jaurès, 2010;
    • - Mapping of the Public Services in the European Union and the 27 Member States, study commissioned by CEEP Bruxelles for the European Commission, 2010;
    • - Les services publics en Europe, Pour une régulation démocratique, Publisud, 2007 


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  • Lepesant Gilles


    Gilles Lepesant is geographer at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). Its research activities deal mainly with territorial changes that are occuring since the beginning of the economic and social transition in Central Europe. He teaches at « Sciences-Po » in Dijon and in Paris.


    His most recent publications:


    - Géographie économique de l’Europe centrale, Européanisation et intégration des territoires. Presses de Sc Po, Paris, January 2011, 360 p.


    - « Can the EU regional policy foster a new model of development in Central Europe ? », Regional integration and regional development in South East Asia and Europe. A comparative perspective, François Bafoil, Suthipand Chirativat (Dir.), Rutgers University, To be published


    - Géographies de la crise en Europe centrale, Etudes du CERI, November 2009, 45 p. 


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  • Michal Didier


    Didier Michal is a Senior Officer at DATAR (Interministerial Delegation for Spatial Planning and Regional Attractivity), regional development and EU policies Unit.

    He is in charge of preparing the future EU cohesion policy post 2013, of the cooperation on territorial development and territorial cohesion issues in the EU and the participation in the EU Council Presidencies’ activities in the field of territorial development and cohesion policy 


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  • Wadecka Kamila

    Le comité d'orientation

    Kamila Wadecka (PL) is a Counsellor to the Minister of Regional Development of Poland. She is responsible for setting up orientations for the subsequent editions of EU Cohesion Policy. Main activities and responsibilities:

    ● Providing background for decision-making process: defining the reform's directions related to the policy rationale and the delivery system; and analysing its potential impact ;

    ● Developing networks and building groups of common interest ;

    ● Developing cooperation with research centres;

    ● Drafting of official government positions.


    Her most recent publications:


    - Co-author of documents on European topics: Cohesion Policy Post-2013.

    - Global Economic Crisis and the EU Cohesion policy, February, 2009

    - The Effectiveness of the Implementation System and Mechanisms at the EU Level, June 2008

    - Desired Directions of the Reform, January 2008 


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