Publications de Patrick Le Galès

Chapitre d’ouvrage

Le Galès, Patrick and Mathieu Zagrodzki. 2008. "Le citta." In L'Occidente allo specchio. Modelli di società a confronto, ed. Alberto Martinelli, 335-375. Milano: Università Bocconi Editore. I nuovi classici.

Zagrodzki, Mathieu and Patrick Le Galès. 2007. "Cities." In Transatlantic Divide: Comparing American and European Society, ed. Alberto Martinelli, 218-245. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Working Paper

Halpern, Charlotte, Sophie Jacquot and Patrick Le Galès. 2008. "A Mainstreaming: Analysis of a Policy Instrument." Policy Brief 33.

Communication orale sans acte dans un congrès international ou national

Jacquot, Sophie, Patrick Le Galès and Charlotte Halpern. 2009. "Mainstreaming: a hero of lost causes? Diffusion and transfer of a policy instrument in the European environmental, gender and urban policies." Paper presented at the Transferts institutionnels et convergences étatiques, Xe Congrès de l’AFSP, Grenoble, FRANCE, September 7-9.

Jacquot, Sophie, Patrick Le Galès and Charlotte Halpern. 2011. "Mainstreaming: a hero of lost causes?: Diffusion and transfer of a policy instrument in three EU policy domains." Paper presented at the 6th ECPR general conference, Reykjavik, ICELAND, August 27-29.

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