Call for Newsletter Contributions, 28.02.2023
27 février 2023
Agnès Bastin, Gouverner le métabolisme : les terres excavées franciliennes, Éditions PUCA, 2023
27 février 2023

Summer School for Young Urban Scholars, 04-06.09.2023, applications due by 31.03.2023

RN37 announces the launch of their 1st Summer School for Young Urban Scholars (Genoa, September 4-6). Please save the dates! 

The deadline for application is March 31 and the requested documents can be submitted to our e-mail address

In the file below you can find more details about the Summer School and the Call for Applications. Contact for any question. 

The RN37 Board (Anna, Katarzyna, Madalena, Niccolò, Rui and Gabriele)