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Migration Concentration
One billion individuals are presently involved in mobility or migration, two thirds for internal migration and one third for international migration. Although only 3% for the world population are “international migrants” or refugees”, mobility is affecting many across the globe. New economic dynamics around the planet will lead to new population movements; internal migration in China reaches international migration on the planet (over 200 million people) ; conflicts as well as climate change will lead to further forced mobility… Examples show that migration is a multi-faceted phenomenon that needs elaborate policy responses.
The concentration offers a multidisciplinary approach to international migration and mobility issues with a Policy perspective. Courses deal with issues around the management of migration and refugee fluxes, around integration and the politics of migrants’ incorporation, the causes and consequences of mobility in both developed and developing countries. Both voluntary and forced migrations are explored in this programme allowing for a comprehensive understanding of mobility.
The concentration aims at providing cutting edge academic knowledge and associates academics and practitioners of international agencies (OECD, AFD, UNESCO), in order to introduce the various policy analysis which are currently debated at national, European, regional and global levels…Combining several levels of analysis and covering many disciplinary approaches (Political science, Geography, Economy, Demography, Law, Anthropology), the concentration will provide foundations and deepen students’ knowledge in global population movements and the politics associated with it.
The diversity of courses offered within the Migration concentration program can be found on the Thematic Concentration course offerings.