Immigrants’ Spatial Incorporation in France: Patterns in Neighborhood Attainment, Housing Tenure and Intergenerational Residential Mobility

Immigrants’ Spatial Incorporation in France: Patterns in Neighborhood Attainment, Housing Tenure and Intergenerational Residential Mobility

Haley McAvay
Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC - Vendredi 27 mai 2016
  • Photo Petit_Louis, via Flickr : Tour Balzac, La Courneuve (CC BY)Photo Petit_Louis, via Flickr : Tour Balzac, La Courneuve (CC BY)

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC 2015-2016

98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - salle Annick Percheron

vendredi 27 mai 2016 de 11h30 à 13h

Immigrants’ Spatial Incorporation in France: Patterns in Neighborhood Attainment, Housing Tenure and Intergenerational Residential Mobility

This communication explores the residential outcomes of first and second generation immigrants in France. I draw on two large data sets, L’échantillon démographique permanent (INSEE) and Trajectoires et origines (INED/INSEE), which provide rare information about immigrants and their offspring, combine individual and contextual-level variables, and span several dates of observation (1990-2008). Drawing on classical theoretical approaches to immigrants’ spatial incorporation, the analysis seeks to document the effects of origin, immigrant generation and socioeconomic status on transitions within neighborhoods and housing as well as the extent to which residential situations are transmitted between parents and children. The findings demonstrate that immigrants’ residential outcomes are marked by ethnoracial and class inequalities which tend to be reproduced over time and across generations.

Haley Mcavey (OSC)Haley McAvay is PhD Student in the OSC.

Thesis proposal: Trajectoires socio-spatiales et statut d'occupation du logement des immigrés et de leurs descendants en France : les facteurs individuels et contextuels
Directrice de thèse : Mirna Safi.

Contact et inscription (registration): Marie Ferrazzini.

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