Disponible en accès libre, dans la série des MaxPo discussion paper, n° 14/1 :
The Chance of Influence : A Natural Experiment on the Role of Social Capital in Academic Hiring
Olivier Godechot, 2014, 40 p.
The effect of social capital is often overrated because contacts and centrality can be a consequence of success rather than its cause....
Emanuele Ferragina a rejoint depuis le 1er janvier 2015 les rangs des chercheurs permanents de l'Observatoire Sociologique du Changement. Il est également membre du LIEPP de Sciences Po (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d'Évaluation des Politiques Publiques) et associé au Department of Social Policy and Intervention de l'Université d'Oxford. C'est à...
Social Classes in Contemporary Societies: Issues and Challenges
29-30 June 2017
Sciences Po Paris
Watch the video report made during the event.
The two-day symposium tested the relevance of the approach to better understanding of social and political issues in terms of classes.All the presentations focused on recent empirical...