Disability, Health and Human Development

Disability, Health and Human Development

Séminaire 20 novembre 2018, 12h45 - 14h30
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po


L'axe Discriminations et inégalités sociales du LIEPP a le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire : 

Disability, Health and Human Development

Mardi 20 novembre 2018, 12h45 - 14h30
Salle J210
13, rue de l'Université - 75007 Paris

Des sandwichs seront offerts



Sophie Mitra

Professeure d'économie à Fordham University (New York), invitée à l'EHESS

Sophie Mitra présentera son ouvrage "Disability, Health and Human Development"



This open access book introduces the human development model to define disability and map its links with health and wellbeing, based on Sen’s capability approach. The author uses panel survey data with internationally comparable questions on disability for Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. It presents evidence on the prevalence of disability and its strong and consistent association with multidimensional poverty, mortality, economic insecurity and deprivations in education, morbidity and employment. It shows that disability needs to be considered from multiple angles including aging, gender, health and poverty. Ultimately, this study makes a call for inclusion and prevention interventions as solutions to the deprivations associated with impairments and health conditions

Discutante: Célia Bouchet, Doctorante en sociologie, OSC / affiliée au LIEPP

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