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Research & Publications - Cities, Housing and Real Estate Chair
The primary ambition of the Cities, Housing and Real Estate Chair is to finance research projects and translate these into teaching at both undergraduate and graduate level within the different programmes at Sciences Po, particularly those taught at the Urban School.
Research Axes:
- Financialization of the real estate industry
- Public housing policy
- Land issues
- Urban shifts and the evolution of real estate production
The chair also seeks to generate an “ecosystem” connecting researchers, real estate experts or employees, and students. Networking events (debates, talks etc.) and field visits will facilitate these exchanges.
Working papers
- N°02/2022 : Cohérence ou contradiction ? Les effets des réglementations environnementales sur le secteur du bâtiment. Une analyse à deux niveaux (FR) by Roberto Rodriguez R.
- N°01/2022 : La financiarisation à petits pas du logement social et intermédiaire en France (FR) by Matthieu Gimat, Antoine Guironnet and Ludovic Halbert
N°01/2021 : Panorama de l'investissement dans l'immobilier résidentiel en France (FR) by Nordine Kireche
- Greener housing, but affordable ? A study of synergies and conflicts between environmental policy instruments and access to housing, July 2023 - Rebecca CAVICCHIA (Nordregio), Michael FRIESENECKER (Institut für Landschaftsplanung (ILAP), BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Lucas MUNSON (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano), Marco PEVERINI (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano), Anita SUSANI, Karen WANESKA DE JESUS (Norwegian University of Life Sciences NMBU)
- Housing policy under the conditions of financialisation. The impact of institutional investors on affordable housing in European Cities. (HoPoFin), June 2023 - Andrej HOLM, Georgia ALEXANDRI, Matthias BERNT Georgia ALEXANDRI (Athens), Andrej HOLM & Matthias BERNT (Berlin), Max OXENAAR & Manuel B. AALBERS (Brussels), Defne KADIOĞLU (Malmö), Alessandro COPPOLA & Marta M. CORDINI & Emanuele BELOTTI & Alberto BORTOLOTTI (Milano), Paul WATT & Stuart HODKINSON (London), Barbara AUDYCKA (Warsaw) The impact of institutional investors on affordable housing in European Cities. (HoPoFin)
- N°1/2022, realised with Meilleurs Agents and Se Loger : L’impact de la loi “Climat et Résilience” sur le marché immobilier en France : premières tendances (FR) by Barbara Castillo Rico, Carmelo Micciche, Killian Poulain, Imane Selmane and Pierre Vidal
- Kireche N., Dans les métropoles françaises, un parc locatif capté par des "particuliers professionnalisés" (FR) , Métropolitiques
Student's Dissertations
- Origine et devenir des zones commerciales périphériques (FR) by Lucie Sarles-Frachon, student of the Executive Master of Regional Governance and Urban Development