Accueil>Journée doctorants TransNum 2022


Journée doctorants TransNum 2022

À propos de cet événement

Le 17 juin 2022 de 14:00 à 18:00

visuel séminaire TransNum

Comme chaque année, TransNum consacre une séance de son séminaire aux travaux de jeunes chercheur.e.s. de Sciences Po travaillant sur ou avec le numérique. Chaque présentation de 20 minutes de leurs travaux, sera suivie par 25 minutes de discussion collective.


  • 14h : Louise Beaumais, "On the use of quantitative data in foreign policy: a false promise?"
  • 14h50 : Aurélien Salas, "Information Design in Platforms"
  • 15h40 : Louison Carroué, "Le rôle des acteurs du conseil sur le marché de l’intelligence artificielle à destination des organisations"
  • 16h30 : Ayse Gizem Yasar, "Disruptive Innovation and Competition Policy: A Critical Appraisal"

>Disruptive innovation” is perceived in competition policy and antitrust/competition law literature as an antidote to market power. This perception reflects the broader competition policy goal of “promoting innovation”. More specifically, the literature and policymaking on disruptive innovation in the EU and the United States rest upon two connected premises: firstly, that “disruptive innovation is a source of competition” and secondly, that “competition promotes disruptive innovation.” This PhD project argues that both of these premises are largely inaccurate. They stem from an over-reliance on neoclassical economics and a misapprehension of innovation processes and entrepreneurial activity on the ground. To substantiate this point, the analysis draws widely upon the conceptual foundations of disruptive innovation in Schumpeterian economic thought, innovation studies, management literature and a review of publications by entrepreneurs, investors, and industry observers.

Ayse Gizem Yasar is a teaching and research fellow (ATER) & PhD candidate at Sciences Po Law School. She is currently working on innovation policy, platform regulation, and Schumpeterian economic thought.

  • 17h20 : Valentin Goujon, "D’une économie des grandeurs scientifiques à une ingénierie de la promesse et vice versa : la recherche en intelligence artificielle à l’ère de l’apprentissage profond"

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À propos de cet événement

Le 17 juin 2022 de 14:00 à 18:00