
Jeanne Bouyat did her Bachelor at Sciences Po Paris, taking the double degree in science and social sciences in partnership with the University of Paris VI (Sorbonne Universities) and went on an exchange year to the University of Cape Town in her third year. She then joined the Urban School of Sciences Po Paris in Master, and followed the research track in partnership with the doctoral school, and completed a research dissertation dedicated to the attitudes of secondary school learners attending schools located in low-income areas of Johannesburg towards foreignness. She then obtained a doctoral contract in mobility funded by the CNRS and carried out her doctoral research thanks to a partnership between the CERI, the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) and the Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. She has also been a member of two collective research groups (Practices of the State in Urban Governance - coordinated by Claire Bénit-Gbaffou, based at CUBES; and The Social Life of Identity Documents in Africa - coordinated by Séverine Awenengo-Dalberto and Richard Banégas, based at CERI) and a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York.
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  • Teaching

    - Conférence de méthode en "Politique comparée" (collège universitaire) pour le programme Europe-Afrique
    - Teaching Assistant pour le cours de formation commune de Master "Citoyenneté, Violence, et Politique en Afrique"

  • Languages

    French, English, German

Main Publications

Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture

• (2019). Ancrage local et (dé)construction scolaire de la xénophobie : les effets de lieu sur les représentations de l’étranger chez les lycéens de quartiers populaires à Johannesburg. Hérodote, n°174, (3), p65-84.
• (2018). Des barrières de papier digitalisées : vérifications d’identité et exclusion des élèves immigrés dans les lycées populaires de Johannesburg. Politique africaine, no 152,(4), p51-76.
• Avec Malavoti Chloé. (2016). #NOTOXENOPHOBIA prend la rue à Johannesburg. De la répression étatique du mouvement au rassemblement autour d’une cause légitime. Journal des anthropologues, n°144-145 (1-2), p241-260.

Chapitres dans des livres collectifs

• “Digitalized paper barriers. Identity verifications and exclusion of immigrant learners in low-income high schools of Johannesburg.” in Awenengo Dalberto, Séverine and Banégas, Richard (eds). Identification and Citizenship in Africa. Biometrics, the Documentary State and Bureaucratic Writings of the Self. Routledge. (in print, 2021)
• “Looking for state rationalities in the production of foreign- ness. The construction of institutional xenophobia in low-income schools of Johannesburg, and beyond.” In Bénit-Gbaffou, Claire (eds). Practices of the State in Urban Governance. Reflections from South African cities. Routledge. (under review, forthcoming 2022)

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