Urban school

2019 Training: exercises

Each group has some bibliographic references that need to find using the search tools presented.

Let’s free to explore the following tools:

Exercise 1: Identify the documentary resources according to the theme and type of document

Which is the most relevant search tool for each reference?

Group 1

1 - Find the location of this reference :  
Eric Mumford. Designing the modern city: urbanism since 1850. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018

2 - Find the location of this thesis :
Hovig Ter Minassian. Changer Barcelone : politiques publiques et gentrification dans le centre ancien (Ciutat Vella). Toulouse : Presses du Mirail, 2013

3 - Find this online article :
Luca Salvati. “Unveiling Urban Sprawl in the Mediterranean Region: Towards a Latent Urban Transformation?” International Journal of Urban & Regional Research. Nov 2014, Vol. 38, Issue 6    

4 - Find this rapport :
International Transport Forum. ITF Transport Outlook 2019. OECD, 2019

Group 2

1 - Find this electronic reference :
Giovanni Picker. Racial cities: governance and the segregation of Romani people in urban Europe. New York: Routledge, 2017  

2 - Find this online article :
Ray Forrest, Bart Wissink. “Whose city now? Urban managerialism reconsidered (again).”. Sociological Review. May 2017, Vol. 65 Issue 2, p.155-167

3 - Find this online journal : Journal of urbanism

4 - Find this online article :
C.M.Deh-Tor, Michiel Dehaene, Chiara Tornaghi. “From Agriculture in the City to an Agroecological Urbanism: The transformative pathway of urban (political) agroecology”. Urban Agriculture Magazine. Leusden: RUAF Foundation, 2018, p.8–10.

Group 3

1 - Find the location of this reference :
Ali Madanipour. Public space and the challenge of urban transformation in Europe. New York: Routledge, 2014

2 - Find this online article :
Jasna Mariotti, Janez Kozelj. “Tracing post-communist urban restructuring: Changing centralities in central and eastern European capitals”. Urbani Izziv 27.1 (2016): 113-122.

3 - Find maps about population growth

4 - Find this press article :
Shaimaa Al-Aees. “Egypt enters era of skyscrapers”. Daily News Egyp, 11 février 2019

Group 4

1 - Find the location of this reference :
Timothy Shortell. Walking in the European city: quotidian mobility and urban ethnography. New York: Routledge, 2014

2 - Find this electronic reference :
Chris Skelcher. Hybrid governance in European cities: neighbourhood, migration and democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

3 - Find this print journal : Urban affairs review

4 - Find this press article:
Simon Jenkins. “What makes a great place to live? Answer: it’s not a shopping plaza”. The Guardian, 20 avril 2019

Exercice 2: Evaluate search results

How to spot Fake news

Source 1 : page to analyze
Source 2 : page to analyze
Source 3 : page to analyze
Source 4 : page to analyze

Updated on 05/09/2019

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