17:00 19:30




Événement en présentiel

Academic Freedom & the Academic Freedom Index : measuring and framing 

Time: Thursday September 15th 5-7.30 p.m. 
Venue: Amphithéâtre Boutmy, Sciences Po

As part of the Academic Freedom Week*, this seminar covers, as its main theme, the topic of the Academic Freedom Index/AFI.

The two main objectives are:

  1. to present the current AFI measurement initiatives by explaining methodologies and definitions and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of such an index, 

  2. to reflect on the potential of concrete uses of the index considering the current existing frameworks to defend Academic Freedom across the board. 

In the third part, recommendations will be made to Sciences Po, in particular, on how to further promote Academic Freedom. 

Introduction & Moderation 

Stéphanie Balme, Pr. Dean Sciences Po (University College/CERI) ; Mathieu Denis, Acting CEO and Science Director of the International Science Council (ISC

I - Measuring the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) 

Janika Spannagel, “The Academic Freedom Index: Background and Outlook”, Research associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin; 

Joyce Pisarello, Director of Membership at Scholars at Risk (SAR), Florida. 

II - Framing & Debating

Mabruk Derbesh, “Academic freedom from the Middle East and North Africa region perspective”, Lecturer of comparative studies and Founder of the Libyan institute for academic freedom, Laureate of the French hosting program for scientists and artists in exile (PAUSE), Paris;

Maria Cristina Russo, “The EUs Global Approach to Academic Freedom in a changing world – policies and perspectives”, Director for Global Approach and International Cooperation in Research and Innovation at the European Commission, Bruxelles; 

Michael Murphy, “Diminishing academic freedom - universities helpless and faultless?”, President of the European Union Association (EUA), Dublin; 

Liviu Matei, “Measure what we treasure, or treasure what we measure? Charting a course for academic freedom in Europe”, Professor of higher education and public policy, and head of the School of Education, Communication and Society at King's College, London.


III - Brainstorming/ Recommendations

Stéphanie Balme, Pr. Dean, Sciences Po & Sergei Guriev, Pr. Provost, Sciences Po (Department of Economics)


Event organizers contacts : 




Organisé par : CERI
19:15 20:45
Avec Etienne NOUGUEZ - Chaire Santé… Lire la suite

Les équipes de la Chaire santé ont le plaisir de vous convier à la quatrième conférence du cycle des Tribunes de la Santé 2022 portant sur le thème           « Territoires : les nouveaux espaces de décisions en santé ? », avec : 

  • Yannick NADESAN, président du Réseau français des Villes-Santé de l’OMS, adjoint délégué à la santé et au vieillissement à la mairie de Rennes. 
  • Etienne NOUGUEZ, chargé de recherche CNRS, CSO Sciences Po        

Jeudi 22 septembre  2022 de 19h15 à 20h45
Amphithéâtre Albert-Sorel-Leroy-Beaulieu
27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 PARIS

Cet événement aura lieu exclusivement en présentiel.
Un résumé sera disponible dans la revue CONCOURS-Pluripro.

Organisé par : Chaire Santé
Évènement en Anglais