The team

Paul-André Rosental

Paul-André Rosental is Professor of Contemporary History at Sciences Po and associate researcher at the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED).

Michel Vincent

Dr Michel Vincent, the SILICOSIS project’s medical consultant, is a pulmonologist and thoracic oncologist.

Catherine Cavalin

Catherine Cavalin is the SILICOSIS team’s sociologist and statistician, and is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’études de l’emploi (Ministry of Research, Ministry of Labor and Employment).

Mickaël Catinon

Dr Mickaël Catinon is a researcher at the Minapath Laboratory of mineralogical analysis at the Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph-Saint Luc in Lyon, France.

Émilien Ruiz

Émilien Ruiz, Ph.D. in Contemporary History, is lecturer at the University of Lille, France.

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