Immigrant qualification mismatch in 13 developed countries, apparent or real?

Immigrant qualification mismatch in 13 developed countries, apparent or real?

Tijana Prokic-Breuer
Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC, 28 mars 2014, 9h30-11h
  • Adult students calculating math problems (Photo Newman University, CC-BY-NC-ND)Adult students calculating math problems (Photo Newman University, CC-BY-NC-ND)

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC,  vendredi 28 mars 2014, 9h30-11h, salle Annick Percheron, 98 rue de l'Université 7e

Tijana Prokic-Breuer, post-doctorante à l'INED et chercheuse associée à l'OSC :

Immigrant qualification mismatch in 13 developed countries, apparent or real?

This communication uses newly available data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) to examine immigrant educational and skills mismatch in 13 developed nations. It makes three important contributions.
First, we provide evidence comparing immigrants to the native-born on both skill mismatch and educational qualifications mismatch in 13 countries of Western Europe.
Second, we assess the extent to which worker skills can account for disparities in over-education between immigrants and the native-born, and the extent to which disparities in over-skilling varies across education groups.
Third, we examine cross-national variation in occupational mismatch among immigrants as a function of migrant origins and characteristics along with the institutional context of the receiving country.

Les séminaires scientifiques de l'OSC sont publics. La séance suivante aura lieu le vendredi 11 avril 2014. Le Professeur Jeremy Freese y présentera ses travaux.


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