Accountability and Governance in Education and Elsewhere

Accountability and Governance in Education and Elsewhere

International Seminar
Paris, May 12-13 2015
  • Photos: Public Record Office Victoria and James F Clay (CC BY-NC-SA)Photos: Public Record Office Victoria and James F Clay (CC BY-NC-SA)

Accountability and Governance in Education and Elsewhere

Paris, May 12-13, 2015

This seminar is as part of the (New)AGE project which compares policies of accountability in education in France and in Quebec. The project is co-funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France) and the Fonds de recherche société et culture (FQRSC, Quebec). It is jointly managed by Professor Christian Maroy (University of Montreal, Canadian Chair in education policy) and Professor Agnès van Zanten (CNRS, OSC-Sciences Po).

The seminar is devoted to discussion of ways of understanding the role of policies of accountability in the current changing landscape of public governance and policies, in education and in other fields. It seeks to attract contributions from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and from different policy contexts. The intention is to identify political meanings and policy implications, for various kinds of policy actors (States, organisations, professionals, users and so on), of the development of accountability measures. The seminar concentrates on six main topics which are examined from different theoretical approaches, different policy sectors and, when they concern mainly education, different policy levels. It gathers together junior researchers and leading scholars from various countries.


Session 1. Thinking Accountability Policies

  • Accountability Relations in Unsettled Situations: Administrative Reforms and Crises - Per Laegreid (University of Bergen)
  • Toward a Typology of Accountability Policies in Education: Implication of Tools and Rationales - Annelise Voisin (University of Montreal) & Christian Maroy (University of Montreal)

Session 2. Accountability and Transnationalization Processes

  • Creative Accounting: Governing Education through Data - Jenny Ozga (University of Oxford)
  • The OECD’s PISA Project and the Transformation of the State – Internationalization and Accountability in the Field of Education - Dennis Niemann (University of Bremen)
  • Vernacular Globalisations. Accountability in Education Policy in France and Quebec - Xavier Pons (University of East-Paris Créteil), Claire Dupuy (Grenoble Institute of Political Studies) & Christian Maroy (University of Montreal)

Session 3. The Transformations of the State Through Accountability Policies

  • Comparative Study of Police Accountability Regimes - Jacques de Maillard (University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin)
  • Analysing Processes of Statization. The contribution of the Socio-History of Public Action - Olivier Ihl (Grenoble Institute of Political Studies)
  • The State and Private Catholic Education in France: Integration without Assimilation - Agnès van Zanten (CNRS, Sciences Po)
  • Steering from the Centre but not Top-down? The French Contracting Policy in Education and the Transformations of Central State Power - Claire Dupuy (Grenoble Institute of Political Studies) & Xavier Pons (University of East-Paris Créteil)

Session 4. The Role of Instruments in the Accountability Policies

  • The Paradoxical Efficacy of International Educational Rankings as Policy Instruments - Ruth Dixon (University of Oxford)
  • Resisting Accountability: Choice and Selection of Environmental Policy Instruments - Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po)
  • Towards the Institutionalisation of Pedagogic Practice Management in Quebec ? The Central Role of Knowledge-Based Regulation Tools - Christian Maroy (University of Montreal) & André Brassard, Cécile Mathou, Samuel Vaillancourt, Annelise Voisin (University of Montreal)

Session 5. The Role of School Managers and Intermediary Actors in Accountability Policies in Education

  • The Role of Non-system Actors in Implementing the Common Core State Standards: Standards and Accountability in the United States - Cynthia Coburn (Northwestern University)
  • School Leaders and Accountability Policies - Herbert Altrichter (Johannes Kepler University)
  • Co-construction and Mediation of Results-based Management in Quebec by Four School Boards - Cécile Mathou (University of Montreal) & Christian Maroy, André Brassard, Samuel Vaillancourt & Annelise Voisin (University of Montreal)

Session 6. Teachers and Schools Dealing with Accountability Policies

  • What the Culture of Evaluation Does to Work: Principals' and Teachers' Experiences in French Secondary Schools - Anne Barrère (University Paris Descartes)
  • High-Stakes Accountability in the United States: Reprieve and Potential Implosion - Heinrich Mintrop (University of Berkeley)
  • To Support or to Hollow out ? The Local Negociation of the Accountable Control - Annabelle Allouch (University of Picardie Jules Verne) & Hélène Buisson-Fenet (CNRS, ENSLyon)

Final program soon. Venue: OSC, 98 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris. Contact: sylvie.lesur(at)

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