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  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Two Positions available at Sciences Po

Application process ends on 15 May 2024

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The Disappearing of Algeria’s Hirak

A Dossier du CERI by Luis Martinez & Rasmus Alenius Boserup
  • The Disappearing of Algeria's Hirak by Luis Martinez & Rasmus Alenius BoserupThe Disappearing of Algeria's Hirak by Luis Martinez & Rasmus Alenius Boserup

The Disappearing of Algeria’s Hirak
Edited by : Luis Martinez and Rasmus Alenius Boserup

Ten years after the “Arab Uprisings”, a peaceful mass protest movement abruptly emerged in Algeria. In an astonishing show of force, the so-called Hirak exponentially grew from a few thousand protesters in the capital in early February 2019 to hundreds of thousands of protesters in all major Algerian cities. Inspired by the peaceful regime changes in Tunisia in 2011 and in Sudan after the dismissal of Omar el-Bashir in 2019, the protestors called for a regime change and for an establishment of a democratic system based on the rule of law.
With the Hirak, Algeria’s civil society demonstrated remarkable energy and creativity, both online and in the streets. Actors from civil society including judges, feminists, artists, journalists, independent trade unionists, and academics worked together to create a powerful political dynamic. This dynamic was not matched by capable politicians, however. And as the movement failed to transform itself into a formal political actor, the existing state elites—and in particular the military establishment—came to dominate the political scene.
Through six thought-provoking contributions, this new Dossier du CERI gathers specialists of Algerian politics, economy, military, media and society to explore what we have called The Disappearing of the Algerian Hirak…

The Disappearing of Algeria’s Hirak - (epub) - format pdf
Edited by : Luis Martinez and Rasmus Alenius Boserup

Cover image: A peaceful demonstration on a Friday in Oran, Algeria, 2019. Photo by Ali Mehouadi for Shutterstock.

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Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Hate Speech Laws in Africa

Contribution to the Bulletin No 48 - The International Observatory of Religions
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Launch of Sciences Po's South Asia Programme

Understanding Global & Local Challenges
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po
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ERIS: Vol. 10, No. 3

The Multifarious Roles Played by State Actors in Space
  • Space ship by Alones for ShutterstockSpace ship by Alones for Shutterstock
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