
Marc Lazar

Professor Emeritus
Phone: +33158717102 -

Professor of history and political sociology at Sciences Po. Professor of history and political sociology at Sciences Po. In Sciences Po he is Heda of the History Center, Head of the graduate program in the History department since 2007, Dean of the History department and President of scientific Council since 2010. At the Luiss-Guido Carli University in Roma he is affiliated professor since 2007 and President of the School of Government since 2010. Directs the multidisciplinary research group on contemporary Italy (GREPIC) at CERI and the research group on contemporary Italy at the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po. Member of the editorial boards of Communisme, Vingtième siècle, Revue d’histoire,Mélanges de l’Ecole Française de Rome and Contemporary European History; member of the scientific committees of Revue internationale de politique comparée, Raisons politiquesRicerce di storia politica,Storia contemporanea and Studia politica. His research focuses on political parties, the transformations of contemporary democracies and the relations between history and political science.

Work in Progress

Communism in France and Italy, The socialist left and Social Democrats in Western Europe, The changes in politics in France and Italy, The relations between the French left and the public service

Research Interests

Communism, Post communism, Left wing politics, Italy

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